For me its another week enduring 8 hour work days, spending time at the mall, and thinking about what to eat (which has lately been potato leek soup at wholefoods!).
but at least the upsides are hanging out with Matthew... who i literally cannot wait to see everyday, drinking my coffee/tea in the mornings, writing in this blog during my work time (sshhhh its a secret) and this week i get my avon pie molds!!!
I ordered some pie molds from avon because this lady sells some here at work and they're suppose to arrive either wed or thurs! and hopefully i have time to bake this weekend or next. but as soon as i do i will post up and add pics. :)
so here's the plan:
i have no clue how to bake a pie or make anything of it. I've looked into making homemade dough and since i don't have the proper equipment it'll be very difficult and being my first time I'm probably going to screw up a couple of times. I'm probably going to use Pillsbury dough for the beginning just to see how it works. I'll be looking up recipes for the filling and then bake bake bake!!!

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