Thursday, June 30, 2011
(in parentheses) P37
1. You know when a relationship is bad. And you KNOW when its not going to work. So snip that shit in the bud!!! SNIP IT!
2. Try to have as many emotionally stable friends as you can possibly have. Because then you're just filled with drama queens, flakes, and psychos.
3. Make sure to check that you have no boogers up your nose before an interview! ACTUALLY check that all the time. You dont want some green thing dangling from your nose and making an encounter awkward!
4. If you put your mind to it then you can do it! Of course a little skill helps too, but overall you should be ok. Just remember... Not ALL people can be Astronauts.
5. I need some friends damn it! BEFRIEND ME!!!!!!!!!
6. If its not meant to be once... then is it not meant to be twice???? You tell me....
7. Food poisoning is the best diet. When you get it, just keep on thinking of how great you'll look when you get over it! :)
8. Dont be a douchebag and make plans and then not even have the nerve to cancel or reschedule! At least have the decency to let people know in advance that your ass wont be there.
9. Having a really good manicure can really make your day!
10 AHHHH....... I HAVE A HEADACHE!!!!!!!!!! I cant think anymore.....
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Burn Baby Burn
I have decided to make a post just on exercise clothes, accessories , and anything that makes you sweat. Sometimes Its hard for me to get to the gym, and recently I've been really failing on going. Although I really do love gymming, after a day of work, having to make dinner, or doing something time consuming after work, I end up falling short on energy to burn while I'm there. Either that or I end up taking a nap and soon find myself waking up at 11pm (like yesterday). BUT I'm sure if I buy some new gear I would totally make the effort to go and use it :). So here are a couple of things to keep you in shape!
1. Camelbak- $14 Free Bottle
2. Victoria's Secret- $17.50 or 2/$26 Essential V Neck Tee
3. Victoria's Secret- $25 Sweats
4. Apple- $29 Sports Armband
5. Old Navy- $15 Fleece Active Pant
6. Nike- $28 Pro Core Bra
7. Adventure Medical Kits- $25 Ultra Light Water Tight Kit
(If you go hiking or taking long runs in tough terrain)
8. Valeo- $12 Yoga Kit
9. Funkadelic Sports Bras- $25 Polka Dot Sports Bra
10. Nike + Ipod- $29 Sports Kit
11. ASICS- $60 ASICS Gel Pulse 2
12. The Firm- $17 Fitness Ball
13. Nike- $150 Nike Air Max 2011
Photoshop by Matthew Shriver
Friday, June 24, 2011
What would you guys say to a GIVEAWAY ?!?!?!
I really want my blog to grow and im not sure exactly how to get it there. But i'm trying really hard...
I would usually like to put more recipes because i can make delicious and easy food but then i always forget to take pictures untill its all done :(. I'll try harder though!
So i was thinking if you guys would help me out and in return i'll do a giveaway. Maybe i'll do a clothing or accessory collage and if i can get lots of views i'll make a link where you can insert your name and then i'll choose randomly. I'll list the winners and then send you a PRIZE!
How does that sound?
Just tell your friends to visit this site, and once i have it up to sign up for the drawings
Let me know.. If no one comments then i totally wont do it because i'll feel like no one even cares!
Soooooooo.... Comment! OR email me @ to let me know what you think!
PS. I'll even do foriegn countries!!!
PS. I'll even do foriegn countries!!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
(in parentheses) P36
1. You can totally survive on $20 for food a week. Yeah you might not like what you eat, but gentlemen, it can be done.
2. You can't expect people to save you all the time, Sometimes, YOU have to save yourself!
3. I wish that i can carry eggs around and throw them at really crappy drivers that almost run me over! But im scared that i can get arrested for battery or destroying private property or something!
4. NE-VEEEEEEEER watch a movie with Jennifer Aniston in it! You'll die from boredom!
5. Reaching a stage where you become desperate can be both good and bad. Good: it can push you to change and finally reach out and do something new or something that would better you. Bad: Ex: if you're desperate to have a boyfriend and are excited that someone likes you... you'll only be blindsided by your need that you don't notice what a bad choice/mistake you're making.
6 Don't raise annoying kids! My cousins came over to our family party last weekend and i seriously wanted to hit one over the head with a pan so she could shut up.
7. Frenemies? What is that?!?! A friend that is an enemy? OR an enemy that is a friend? Doesn't matter! Don't have one! NASTYCO!
8. Mexican coke is waaaaayyyyyy better than American coke... Coca ~ Cola (just to clarify). You can taste the difference!
9. You should TOTALLY have a pair of Doc Martens!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!
10. If you're drinking or eating something were there is only going to be a little bit left of that something... you might as well eat/drink it. Don't put that tiny bit back in the fridge where someone will find it and wont even get a full serving of it! Its misleading!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
All Maxed Out
Happy first day of SUMMER!!!! Now that summer is officially here where as
the weather sometimes is not, its time to find clothing that can accomodate the hot breezes along
with the cool air in the morning. Something that i wish i could wear
would be maxi skirts and dresses...Maybe i could wear them.... maybe... Anyways here
are a couple of outfits that i would totallywear. There is a casual street outfit, a polished
up feminine, and a flowy ensemble.I think maxi skirts and dresses are great because they will shelter your legs from the sun and sometimes cold unexpected weather. Pair it up
with a crop tank/thin shirt and you're set for the heat! Finish off any outfit
with bold accessories and VOILA!
would be maxi skirts and dresses...Maybe i could wear them.... maybe... Anyways here
are a couple of outfits that i would totallywear. There is a casual street outfit, a polished
up feminine, and a flowy ensemble.I think maxi skirts and dresses are great because they will shelter your legs from the sun and sometimes cold unexpected weather. Pair it up
with a crop tank/thin shirt and you're set for the heat! Finish off any outfit
with bold accessories and VOILA!
1. Wildfox- $159 Lifeguard Cropped Tee
2. MIA- $47.96 Olive Sandals
3. Delia's- $40 Stripped Maxi Skirt
4. Topshop- $60 Lace Scalloped Crop Top
5. Mango- $48 Woven Sandals
6. Alice In The Eve- $100 Rhiannon Pleat Maxi Skirt
7. Otis & Maclain $132 Tie Back Crop Top
8. Rare Fashion- $68 Pleated Maxi Skirt
9. Nine West- $50 Wedge Sandal
10. Low Luv by Erin Wasson- Metal Crystal Studs
11. Linea Pelle- $40 Sliced Leather Bracelet
12. Aldo- $12 Wooden Bangle Set
13. Modcloth- $10 Dont Forget Ring
14. UO- Stacked Rings Set of 6
Photoshop by Matthew Shriver
Monday, June 20, 2011
Song of the Day::: Half Asleep - School of Seven Bells
This is one of my favorite work out song ever! I LOVE to run to this song. You can also find it in my Are You Listening? P9 playlist which you can download HERE :)
Friday, June 17, 2011
Are You Listening? P19
1. Big Mistake - Tim Fite
2. Bracket Wi- Bon Iver
3. Sunol - Benoit Pioulard
4. Lion's Mane - Iron & Wine
5. Spinning For Spoonie - Neil Halstead
6. Money Sounds - The Shivers
7. Talking In Code - Margot & The Nuclear So and So's
8. I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie
9. Don't Panic - Coldplay
Thursday, June 16, 2011
(in parentheses) P35

1.Whenever you wear a skirt or dress and go to the bathroom, make sure that its not stuck somewhere inside your panties! It also happens if you're wearing a cross body bag near your hips! I've had that happen while i was walking around school and noooobody told me! ALSO, make sure to check your shoes for toilet paper!!!
2. Don't invite yourself into something you were not a part of! YOU LOOK DESPERATE! Its kinda sad when others are having a convo (especially on FB [ where you dont even have a body presence] ) and be like "invite me?" Have some dignity woman!
3. Once you think you're cool ... you no longer are!
4. If you're going to wear super high stripper heels make sure that you can walk in them first. I'm talking about "walking walking" NOT "looking like you are going to fall on your face walking."
5. It feels good to be productive! So get of your lazy butt and do something!.... ANYTHING!!!
6. Omg.... I really want one of those .99¢ crunchwrap supremes from taco bell .... yummmm... its not advice but i was thinking about it...
7. Only look at yourself in windows that you are positive no one is behind! Its embarassing when you are looking at yourself and then you see a little face behind the glass looking at you back!
8. Sometimes everyone needs a slap to their face to get them to come back to reality.
9. Every problem has a solution. It might not be the right one... but you'll come up with one.
10. Words from my brother::
Me: Its so hard to grow my hair! I want to cut it!
Brother: Then why dont you just cut it?
Me: Well i want to try and grow it....
Brother: I dont understand you guys. When you have short hair then you want
long hair. Then, you go through all of this to grow it and
then when you have long hair then you say you want to cut it and have short hair.
The cycle just repeats!
Me: ......... :(
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Song of the Day::: Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
♥ One of my favorite songs ever. When i think of my husband i always think of this song ♥
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Work Me Up!
When I worked at some place that required me to actually look nice, I always
found it a challenge to dress myself. Not in the sense where I didnt know how to style myself
but in the sense where i couldnt find the medium between too young and sloppy vs.
looking like a grandma.After a while I got the hang of it. Here are a couple of pieces
that totally play into a youthful professional. Sometimes a quick trick would be to pair
something that is a little old looking with great accessories.
looking like a grandma.After a while I got the hang of it. Here are a couple of pieces
that totally play into a youthful professional. Sometimes a quick trick would be to pair
something that is a little old looking with great accessories.
For example, a cocktail ring or a great pair of earrings. Also color says EVERYTHING! look for
brights or something other than drab. Hair accessories are also a blessing!
It can turn your inner you from volume 10 to 11! This is a fun way to dress
without losing yourself and turning into an old hag.
1. Topshop- $28 Cocktail Ring
2. Topshop - $76 Pink High Waisted Chinos
3. Forever 21- $23 Classic Bow Heel
4. Dolce Vita- $89 Nude Heel
5. Topshop- $92 Crochet Top
6. Witchery- $17 Bow Headband
7. Betsey Johnson- $35 Crystal Heart Earrings
8. Buckle- $34 Tie Blazer
9. ASOS- $33 Yellow Clutch
10. Topshop- $65 Black Paper Bag Trouser
11. Modcloth- $43 Shoulder Bag
12. Unif- $66 Utility Sheer Blouse
13. H&M- $49 Soft Pink Lace Blazer
Photoshop by Matthew Shriver
Monday, June 13, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
(in parentheses) P34
1. When borrowing someone Else's possessions make sure that you return it in pristine condition. Don't be a whackjob and ruin/tear/break/stain other peoples crap. Ruin your own crap!
2. When you have something really ingenious or witty, make sure you write it down or memorize it! I had something ingenious AND witty to tell you and now i totally forgot :( .. but i had it yesterday :(
3. Don't look at scary you tube videos before you go to bed or take a shower.... you'll scare the crap out of yourself and wont be able to sleep!!!
4. Be careful who you talk to! Because sometimes that 40 year old man that looks normal but isn't might get the idea that you want to be best friends and will want you to sit next to him all the time!
5. Is there something to get the smell of onions of your hands????? Because every time i cook with onions my hands keep the smell for days! ONION HANDS!
6. Sometimes the best way to say no is to run away! JK... but seriously, if you feel bad for saying no to someone you should really practice it. Its healthy to reject people... .... you know what i mean.
7. Everything takes time. So slow down, don't panic, and don't have a meltdown!
8. Take the time to think to yourself and say "What do I want?" You should be very important to YOU!
9. Eating a piece of a chocolate bar a day is ok. However, eating a chocolate bar a day is really really bad for you and you should stop immediately!!!!!!!
10. Remember ladies.... The more make up you wear... the uglier you'll look without it... try to wear make up where YOU still look like the real You.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Intensify Me
I love how during the warmer weather you can wear all the brights that you want/
I think that you can accentuate any outfit with just a
hint of color :) (bright color) I wouldnt wear these items all at once but they
can make a great eye popping piece for any outfit. Either a bold wedge,
bright dress, or swipe some colorful lipstick on :)
Have FUN!
1. Topshop- $140 Walberg Wedge
2. Old Navy- $20 Cheveron Tee
3. Jack Wills- $5 Kirkby Ring
4. M.A.C- $14 Steamy
5. Carole- $14 Carole Feather Necklace
6. Topshop- $136 Sizzle Shoes
7. Topshop- $50 Yellow Sandal
8. Dorothy Perkins- $46 Coral Pleated Dress
9. Crocs- $35 Adrina Flat
10. Asos- $20 Mini Bag
11. H&M- $49 Coral Skirt
12. M.A.C- $14.50 Girl About Town Lipstic
13. Jane Norman- $53 Paperbag Shorts
Photoshop by Matthew Shriver
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Train Ride
Its unsettling how fast life moves at. Yesterday was a real eye opener. i started out getting up at 5:10 in the morning (but i don't leave the bed till 5:30) getting decently dressed and putting all my crap together so i could go to work. It wasn't until i was on the train that everything hit me. It was such a surreal moment. I was drinking the leftover milk from my oatmeal listening to The Shivers on a cold cloudy day. It seemed like this was a scene planned from a movie. I was thinking of how wonderful my new husband is for waking up with me that early and driving me to the train station, and how everyday i get out say i love you and hop on the train to do my 9 to 5 job (its really 7 to 4). I'm looking around and all i see are the same daily strangers, all on their daily commute. I start thinking and i soon find my mind on one thing... The Past. How fast have 6 years gone by? How could i still be working at the one place i hate for 5 years? Where has most of my life gone? all these questions circled around and the more i thought, the more i felt like a failure. I was thinking of all my lost friends or even people that were friendly acquaintances. How i wished for another less psycho version of my one use to be best friend. How i just finished a semester in college and i still had nothing to show for.
This all went on during the hour train ride. I was grateful for my husband which is also my best friend. I felt wonderful on knowing i have a new life now, but amongst all those thoughts i still had the past lingering around.
Does this happen to anyone?
I'm glad i had that moment. Now, i will make up lists. New goals and wishes that i will try my hardest to make happen and fulfill. I'm determined to stop slacking off at school and finish by the end of next year. I plan on having a better job where i might be more broke but at least i'll love. I especially want to find a girl that i can actually be friends with and they'll actually want to be my friend where i wont be a side person or plan h.
I don't know... I'm just blabbering on here. I don't know if anyone is still reading this or gives a crap for that fact... but its ok. I just wanted to write something and since i haven't got a collage for you today i thought maybe some of my feelings could substitute for a day.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
(in parentheses) P33
1. Random acts of kindness are one of the best things that can happen in a day! You should totally surprise someone with a super nice thing! Usually my favorite surprises to give are food.... yep.
2. Follow me @OliviaInOblivia..... (on Twitter) ... See what happens??? We'll see how much crap i can post up lol :).... Do it RIGHT NOW! :)))))
3. Do you ever get scared when you're in the shower?!?!? If you do, you're not alone... Im always paranoid :((( so its ok. You're not a freak... unless.... no one feels like this and then I"M the freak!!!!!
4. OK! Next time that you enroll yourself into college dont forget to read the rate my proffessor page.. Because, you dont want to have a sucky teacher for the whole semester!!! Dont put yourself throught that .. unless you're a massochist..
5. You feel like screaming?!?!?!? then SCREEEEAAAAAMMMM!!!!!!! (you'll feel much better afterwards)
Pointer::: You should probably go somewhere or do it when you are completely alone because you dont want people think that you are being murdered by mistake!
6. Its intimidating when you can tell that a person can see right through you.
7. If you're adding parentheses to your smiley face, make sure that its either one or more than two ... Because when you put two then you're adding a double chin. NOT ATTRACTIVE! :)) seeeee....
8. Some of us truly are technologically challenged... and its ok....
9. If you ever get a gut feeling (ew gut) you're probably right... If you think that guy is a total creep/douchbag/booger then you are probably about 95% correct.
10. This is a very important conversation:::
Me: Hey, you and me are wearing the same shirt!
Sister: oh, I bought mine at Urban Outfitters.
Me: Oh i bought mine at Forever 21 for $4.50
Sister: Yeah, but mine is soft and will last alot longer.....
Me: ..... yeah
What's the lesson here??? Even though clothes dont last forever... cheap clothes last alot less...
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