Wednesday, December 22, 2010
(in parentheses) p12
1. If you ever leave food/drinks in a room with someone that hates you...... I wouldn't touch it again!
2. Always be prepared with anything you might need inside your bag. That doesn't mean shove any crap inside there! Clean that shiz out!!!
3. Not knowing what your Christmas present is.... TORTURE!
4. Ladies, When your lady problems come, dont' be a bitch to everyone.... please... i know it sucks.
5. If you're sick you are licenced to have anything you want!
6. These couple of days are crazy shopping days! So if someone gets to the shirt you want first it is NOT OK to punch them. yeah. I've seen it happen!
7. If you have the guts to give people you hate some coal or a crappy present... I TOTALLY LOVE YOU!
8. Christmas company parties are weird. Especially when everyone gets drunk.... Just do what i do... pretend its a dream or get drunk too lol.
9. Giving people you REALLY dislike/creep you out/hate/make you want to vomit hugs or kisses on the cheek ... IS THE WORST!
10. Don't give calendars out as Christmas presents... its lame.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Cookie Disaster...
Well this weekend i tried to make some sugar cookies..... and it didnt really go as well as i had hoped. Granted i had a lot of fun making these with my boyfriend and it was quite an experience to make these from scratch.
Im still wondering where i went wrong... We tried sooooooo hard. I thought that it was going great up untill we pulled the dough out of the fridge and it kept on breaking apart. I really looked forward to making these... but I guess im not a cookie person...
On a lighter note... I also made some red velvet cupcakes! Which turned out pretty decent for our first time baking from scratch... :) yay!
Im still wondering where i went wrong... We tried sooooooo hard. I thought that it was going great up untill we pulled the dough out of the fridge and it kept on breaking apart. I really looked forward to making these... but I guess im not a cookie person...
On a lighter note... I also made some red velvet cupcakes! Which turned out pretty decent for our first time baking from scratch... :) yay!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Pigeons- The Hundred In The Hands
I still havent gotten this song from my Are You Listening?P9 playlist out of my head.
I looked up the music video and now i love it even more!
I'm sorry I didnt have a playlist today but I will have one up by tuesday... Originally I wanted to make you a Christams Special Playlist... BUT..... i kinda hate christmas music. So, naturally, after three days of nonstop listnening i couldnt take it anymore...
So scratch that idea... NEW PLAYLIST !!!!!!
Happy Friday! FINALLY!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
(in parentheses) p11

1. Always have a good deed for the day.
2. If you're a planner/scheduling freak like me... Its better not think about anything. You'll drive yourself & others around you crazy, as i already have.
3. If you have no monies to buy presents its equally as nice to get a heartfelt something from you ( like a letter/painting/craftthing/anything?)
4. When im thinking about the alphabetical order of something... ex:: looking through a phone book/dictionary/list i sing the abc's in my head.... its nothing to be ashamed of.
5. Its harder to not cry, then actually crying...
6. If someone is being a total/major/you didnt do anything to them (like my boss) A-hole to you, then you have the official blessing to be a mega bitch back. .
7. Can anything please go right?!
8. Dont cry at nightime and believe you'll look better in the morning.... THAT is actually the opposite. You will look crap.
9. Make sure if you buy a sweater that its not the ones that are SUPER itchy!
10. If you're a feminazi/vegan/religious/non religious/ meat eater/peta/dont care/something. yes be proud of what you are there is nothing wrong with that, but please dont shove whatever you want others to believe down their throats. Its not nice.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Currently Obsessed With::: Bento Boxes and Kitchen Accessories
I was looking for some new charms for my phone, because the ones that my boyfriend gave me from japan broke :( and i started to find bento boxes and food and its just too cute!!!!!!!!!

Candy Cane Manicure
My annual company christmas party is going to be held next week. Which is pretty much we try to look our best (since we never get to wear nice clothes considering we work in a manufacturing company), We get a really delicious meal, AND most of the company gets drunk. Now usually i look like shit when i go to work, so this day is really important to me to look uber nice! Last night i was thinking of things to wear. i've seen a couple of really cute shirts and am considering purchasing them. I already have my pants and shoes in check so that only really leaves my nails and hair (but my hair is easy). So last night i was trying of things to try and this is what i came up with :::
Candy Cane Inspired Nails::::
I totally think its going to depend on what i wear but i think this would be super festive!

Hopefully it will look like this:::

From Cosmetic Cupcake....
Candy Cane Inspired Nails::::
I totally think its going to depend on what i wear but i think this would be super festive!

Hopefully it will look like this:::

From Cosmetic Cupcake....
Monday, December 13, 2010
Holiday Drinks For You And Your Guests
Here's a great selection of drinks to make that are holiday themed. These will be great if you're hosting a holiday party or of course just for you to get in the spirit :)
Chocolate Milk Whip:::
4oz Chocolate Milk
2oz Cold Coffee
Whipped Cream
Chocolate Shavings
Fill a tall glass with ice and add the 4oz chocolate milk & the 2oz cold coffee. Top with wipped cream and add the chocolae shavings.
Eggnog Kahlua:::
1oz Kahlua
4oz Eggnog
Mix eggnog and kahlua in a wine glass. Sprinkle
nutmeg on top.
Candy Cane Martini::::
1 1/2 Vodka
1Tsp Peppermint Shnapps
Mix all ingredients with ice in a shaker and strain into cocktail glass.
For garnishment you can cover the rim of the glass with crushed candy canes.
Christmas Cosmopolitian:::
1/2 oz Cointreau
12 oz Cranberry Juice
1 Tsp Fresh Lime Juice
1oz Vodka
Mix all ingredients in shaker with ice.
Shake and strain into a chilled
martini glass.
Garnish with cranberries.
Enjoy! i'll post up more soon!!!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Are You Listening? p10 (Men of Folk)

More Than Life- Whitley
Here We Are- Patrick Park
Blood Bank- Bon Iver
Uppers Aren't Necessary- Rocky Votolato
Sleeping Sickness- City and Colour
Pocketfull of Stars- Nine Black Alps
This Sweet Love- James Yuill
You're The One I Want- Chris & Thomas
Your Protector- Fleet Foxes
Crosses- Jose Gonzalez
The Girl- City and Colour
Dragonfly- M.Craft
Milk & Honey- Nick Drake
This has been the longest mother eff'n week of my life!
Happy Friday!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
(in parentheses) p10

1. Don't let anyone make you cry. You can do that once their gone. Unless you know its going to make them feel super guilty then you can use that against them.
2. Give a gift to a child. I think its nice if you buy some kid you don't know a gift. It will make their Christmas so much happier. Go to a toy drive. Give to the marines. Something!
3. I don't trust you with making my food if you cant even pop some popcorn or make an instant soup.
4. I NEED COFFEE!!!! Its not really an advice/tip/things to mention.... but i haven't had coffee today and thats all I'm thinking about!
5. People rub off on other people. So keep close the people you want to influence you. Get rid of the bad weeds. They'll only harm you along the way.
6. Get a cool haircut!!!!!! You ll look cool PLUS I love haircuts!
7. When you borrow peoples stuff make sure you give it back in the same condition. Don't be a jerk off and crap their stuff!
8. If someone sneezes say "bless you" Don't lose your manners!Even if you say it really quietly to yourself... anyways.... why do we say "bless you"?
9. I TOTALLY get you when you say you hate your job.... really.... i do. SO lets go find new ones!? yes?
10. I think we should work for three days .... and have a four day weekend.... yeah that sounds MUCH better!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Christmas Cookies
SO CUTE! Cookies will be great for sharing with friends :). Here are a couple of decorating ideas for everyone! These are basic sugar cookies.
Super decorated ornaments and snowflakes :)


Simple and Fun!

For the beginners :)
Reindeer with pretzel antlers and M&M eyes and Noses! awwww
Snowflakes!!! for this its all about detail!

So Adorable
For the beginners :)
Detail Detail Detail
Hope you liked them!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Christmas Cupcakes
Now, Everyone should know that i love cupcakes. This morning i thought about making some and wanted to see if there were any holiday ideas that i can use. The ones that are made with fondant might be a little harder to make but I'm not sure. I've never really experimented with it. The cupcakes below are made with fondant. For the candy canes just twirl a red and white fondant together. :)

The Christmas Tree is made with frosting. just make sure that you're using the right nozzle to make it. i looked up other Christmas tree ones but they had a TON of frosting on and thats just yucky!

These are also made with fondant! I love the peppermint ones and the bow!

These are similar to the Christmas tree cupcakes. The only difference is the amount of frosting and the nozzle.

OK. These i LOVE! I'm guessing they used an open nozzle.... MMmmmm YUMMY! :)
i love how they're so tall!

REINDEER! awesome! This one is with fondant and you cut out the shapes (all the circles) and just lay them on top :)
Ok this looks really ugly but really cute at the same time! A for effort!
Maybe this can serve you as inspiration?
Friday, December 3, 2010
Are You Listening? p9

This the first thing i imagined when i thought of exercising to this music
(My kind of exercise music [dance])
1. Hands- The Ting Tings
2. Colourless Colour- La Roux
3. Gone Too Far- Dragonette
4. Bang Bang Bang Bang- Soho Dolls
5. Half Asleep- School of Seven Bells
6. Je Veux Te Voir- Yelle
7. Pigeons- The Hundred In The Hands
8. Bum Like You- Robyn
9. Realigned- Miss FD
10. Operate- Peaches
11. Shattered- The Trucks
12. *Bike Thief- Freezepop *
i just liked it because the lyrics are hilarious. :)
Download Here
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Gift Wrapping Galore
This is an Extremely Long post. Gift giving is coming up and i don't know about you, but i ♥ to wrap gifts and take the time to make them perfect. Here are some GREAT ideas. Dude, I don't care if Martha Stewart went to jail. She's a frickin genius!
Box Bow Top:::
If you Have a box with a removable top, here is a super easy adornment. Put a bunch of tiny bows on top! (Bottom)
Jingle Bells:::
You can buy these bells at a crafts store or some walmart or something. They're rather inexpensive. All you have to do here is just wrap your gift and before you seal the ribbon add the Jingle Bell... How festive! (Left)
You can buy these bells at a crafts store or some walmart or something. They're rather inexpensive. All you have to do here is just wrap your gift and before you seal the ribbon add the Jingle Bell... How festive! (Left)
Box Bow Top:::
If you Have a box with a removable top, here is a super easy adornment. Put a bunch of tiny bows on top! (Bottom)
Christmas Tree Cutout:::
Wrap your gift with your main paper first. Figure out where the center of your box is on the paper you want to show above and use and exacto knife before hand and cut out half the tree. Once you have it in place fold it over! (Bottom)
Furoshiki :::
The Japanese have a really cute way to wrap their gifts. Its called Furoshiki. They use cloth and tie it up. Just secure any open ends with a safety pin, knot, or buttons for a nice touch! (Bottom)
There are more ideas continuing by clicking
(in parentheses) p9

1. If you're frustrated/angry/P.O'd and you feel like screaming, I would definitely do it. Just make sure you're alone, go anywhere, even the top of a mountain, and let it out. It will make you feel better.
2. Its not crazy that i think unicorns existed.... what? Don't you have a make believe something you think exists?
3. Eating smaller portions means paying more money. Ex any fast food place.... you order a small and it comes out to lets say.... 3.50 but if you make it a large it comes out to 4.05... WHY? Cant my food be significantly cheaper???
4. Don't drink tea that has been sitting on your desk for two years inside a Ziploc bag. It tastes really gross.
6. Now that the holiday season is here, and people start going crazy... please be careful. Watch out for yourself. This is a time where parking lot accidents are at their peak, and people are cranky from waiting in long lines, AND add the fact that they're going buzzerk to find something.
PS. When you go shopping and it gets nearer to the holidays, don't be mean to the cashier. I've worked retail during this time and its not fun that everyone is cranky, and they're pissed that the line moves so slow, BUT its not their fault that hoards of people decide to go mass shopping. It doesn't make them happy to keep seeing people with frustrated faces over and over. So please be as pleasant even for the 2 min that you're there.
7. If you did something good, Be proud of yourself.
8. Listen to what the inner you wants. You'll feel at peace with yourself. Even if its ice cream :)
9. To tell you the truth, I'm really scared. I'm always scared. I'm scared of what might happen the next day, scared that I'll lose someone i love, scared that my life will go wrong. I hope you don't feel this way, actually i hope no one else feels this way.
10. Give the gift of being AWESOME >:)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Gifts That Dont Break Your Budget
$25 and Under
1. H&M- $5.99 Stripe Box Top
2. Forever 21- $6.80 Chunky Knit Beret
3. Forever 21- $10.80 Crochet Pom Beanie
4. Nasty Gal- $20 Wishbone Necklace
5. Top Choice- $14 Bow Crossbody Bag
6. UO- $22 Sparrow Bullitin Board
7. H&M- $6.99 Fairy Tale Pillow Cases
8. UO- $19 Lattice Lace Jewelry Hook
9. Butter London- $15 Laquer Set
10. Stila- $25 Lip Glaze Set
11. Alexia Crawford- $10 Flower Cluster Ring
12. Shanalogic- $20 Pirate Bunny Necklace
13. UO- $24 Ninetendo Yahtzee
14. Nordstroms- $25 Robot Galaxy Key Chains
Photoshop by Matthew Shriver
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