Here are some facts about me that can make you feel better about all the weird things about you.
1. Super pregnant ladies scare me. I just feel like they're going to rip open :(. Its only when they have super really protruding bellies like they're carrying a bunch of babies inside that freak me out. Like when Kate Gosseling was pregnant >:(
2. I can't sleep alone. Because when i do i start thinking of scary things and ultimately end up sleeping with the light on. Laugh if you must but really sometimes i just cant do it.
3. When i pray at night i start thinking of death and then go into super freaking out mode.... So i dont pray at night just during the day. I dont know why but whenever i do try to pray at night i just think of dying and disasters and having my loved ones lost and then by the time that i'm done i cant fall asleep.
4. I feel like nobody really likes me. Except for Matt and my family. Maybe its just me as an inconscious fear, but thats how i really feel.
5. Im funniest when im really mean and sarcastic. Which makes me feel mean. Which im not.
6. I get freaked out when i take a shower. I start thinking that maybe an earthquake will happen or something bad like i will faint or have a panic attack and then no one will find me. When this happens i usually just start singing to take my mind off of it.
7. I cant eat yams, sweet potatoes, or pumpkin pie.
8. A part of my finger will never grow back :(.
9. I love to tell people that I love them
10. I always have some wierd alternative scenario playing in my hear. I feel like sometimes I want to imagine the possiblitly of other actions but I cant actually do them. Either that or I imagine some really scary life/death/survival scenario (thanks to having anxiety).
11. when i was in second grade i seriously thought i was going to die from a nosebleed.
12. I went in for a perm. and came out with a fro. :(
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