Thursday, July 28, 2011
(in parentheses)P39
1. What goes around, comes around. ...Like a YoYo.... and it just might hit you in the head.
2. Sometimes a medium bag of popcorn is WAY too much popcorn. Even for two people.
3. You can forgive and forget but sometimes the hurt still lingers there, and that's OK.
4. Whenever I run into my coworker and we're in each others way... I always say "sorry". Once he answered "Don't say sorry! Say MOVE!" Maybe you should try it?
5. If veggie stick chips don't even taste that good compared to regular chips. Then its probably better just not to eat any chips at all. Whats the point in eating a chip that's healthier if it doesn't even taste good? Might as well be EXTRA healthy and not eat ANY chipies.
6. Three things that you can never have too many of: Socks, Chapstick/Lipstick, and Hairties. Always keep those stocked because I lose those like crazy. Especially the socks. Put two in and only one comes out!
7. It sucks when you're super hungry and then you call the tamale man and then you find out his number is disconnected :(
8. Sometimes you just have to put your mean face on so people can take you seriously.
9. Totally start stocking up on sweaters and cute beanies! Because whenever I try to find some during the fall/winter season I find NOTHING! So start early.
10. Feelings are important. So don't let anyone tell you how to feel or make you feel bad about feeling a certain way! You are too important!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Rebel Without A Cause
This is my take on a really posh girl gone bad. Well not totally bad but probably if Barbie
wanted to look a little more bad ass :). One of my favorite ways to dress is to still look feminine
but at the same time have a hard edge. The easiest way to accomplish that look is with color and accessories. Pair a soft neutral color like white,blush, and creme and then mix
it with hard looking accessories. Anything super geometric, or heavy using metals.
That usually does the trick for me :).
1. Dv by Dolce Vita- $89 Bow Pump
2. Guess- $25 Crystal Facet Studs
3. Miss Selfridge- $66 High Waisted Pants
4. House of Harlow- $39 Feather Row Ring
5. Mango- $37 Chunky Bracelet
6. ASOS- $26 Spikey Leaf Bracelet
7. Miss Selfridge- $73 Nude Mesh Cut Out Dress
8. Topshop- $36 Meow Tank
9. YesStyle- $34 Lavender Quilted Shoulder Bag
10. Topshop- $50 Red Heart Cross Body Bag
11. Miss Selfridge- $41 Ramones Tee
12. Zoe Karssen- $85 California Dreaming Tank
13. Warehouse- $25 Scalloped Edge Shorts
14. Jeffrey Campbell- $125 Silver Lita Platform
15. Betsey Johnson- $32 Rose Stretch Belt
Photoshop by Matthew Shriver
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Song of the Day ::: For The Best - Gregory and The Hawk
I really love this song ♥ Currently my fave and playing on repeat. Check out their new album "Leche" Totally good!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Go With The Flow
Nothing says soft and feminine like flowy clothing. Not ONLY is it super stylish but
its comfortable. I really like dressy clothes that arent constricting your body. These are great items to pair with a simple tank to keep you cool. Sometimes when
hot weather comes around you want something that will flow away
from your body instead of sticking to it.
Miss Selfridge- $56 Beige Drop Back Skirt
Betsey Johnson- $25 Bow Stud Earrings
Miss Selfridge- $68 Coral Pearl Embellished
Steve Madden- $130 Bellah
Topshop- $90 Black Floral Print Wide Leg Trousers
Alice In The Eye- $70 Pleated Skirt
Topshop- $70 Red Button Through Shorts
Michael Antonia Gazana- $60 Leopard Wedge
Topshop- $76 Twist Hem Blouse
3.1 Phillip Lim- $188 Henley Blouse
Topshop- $60 Green Skirt
Marc by Marc Jacobs- $48 Doe Earrings
Photoshop by Matthew Shriver
Friday, July 22, 2011
(in parentheses) P38
1. It doesn't matter how many times a person says that a shot doesn't hurt, they're LYING! It totally does. Especially if you're getting three of them at one time!
2. Some people can't help but to be either douchey or bitchy. So i guess we just have to put up with them :(
3. A banana from Trader Joe's will NOT last you a whole week before getting all ugly, soft, and splotchy looking.
4. I assume you're responsible and smart enough to make your own decisions. BUT if you need a little tip. Stop and think to yourself "is what I'm doing stupid?" and hopefully you know the RIGHT answer and don't become a lost cause.
5. Trying to find food when either you're SUPER hungry or completely not hungry is the worst. Either NOTHING sounds good or EVERYTHING sounds good.
6. Telling someone that they've gained weight OR that they're fat is NOT a way to make them feel good or help the situation. Neither is finishing off the sentence with "I'm just telling you so you know." OR "I'm just telling you for your own good." In fact, it will make them feel worse and destroy their confidence and self worth..... mom.
7. Please carry some pepper spray with you or on your key chain. I don't want some yucky old man who is sick in the head to carry you off or attack you!
8. NEVER be a rat. NO ONE likes a rat. If you fall for shit that YOU did, don't take other people down with you and throw them under the bus.
9. If you do something bad to someone who either deserves it or IS bad, then will karma not get you because technically you're doing something good? and technically its karma getting back to the bad person? DOES THIS EVEN MAKE SENSE?!
10. Pain is not weakness leaving your body. Pain is your muscles crying.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Cookin Time
Sometimes when I feel uninspired to buy clothing, I concentrate on other things that have nothing to do with my body. Sometimes I go into an accessorie spree, but other times I go into a decor/kitchen/tableware spree. I have a bad tendency to find things and say "I NEED THAT!" and Matthew looks at me like im psycho and says "NOOOOOO, No you don't NEED that.". In which I obsess about the item for long periods of time until Matthew caves in, and I purchase it (like these tumblers HERE ) I seriously ended up thinking about them for two weeks until I just bought them. AND they're my FAVE! . Here are some lovely table settings along with some cool extra things to make you look super chic while you cook and serve!
1. Ikea- .99¢ Solbrand Cups
2. Modcloth- $6.99 Pug Salt & Pepper Shaker
3. Williams Sonoma- $24.99 Prep Bowls
4. Crate & Barrel- $5.95 Peony Plate
5. Anthropologie- $10-16 Verdant Acres Dinnerware
6. Modcloth- $12.99 Human Bean Mug
7. Anthropologie- $18 Measuring Spoons
8. Willams Sonoma- $13 Mango Pitter
9. Morn Creations- $28 Panda Apron
10. Ikea- $1.99 Doid Glass
11. Crate & Barrel- $4.95 Bianca Orange Plate
12. UO- $49 Sweet Tooth Cookie Jar
13. Crate & Barrel- $6.95 Tinge Green Plate
Photoshop by Matthew Shriver
Monday, July 18, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
So You Can Feel Better

Here are some facts about me that can make you feel better about all the weird things about you.
1. Super pregnant ladies scare me. I just feel like they're going to rip open :(. Its only when they have super really protruding bellies like they're carrying a bunch of babies inside that freak me out. Like when Kate Gosseling was pregnant >:(
2. I can't sleep alone. Because when i do i start thinking of scary things and ultimately end up sleeping with the light on. Laugh if you must but really sometimes i just cant do it.
3. When i pray at night i start thinking of death and then go into super freaking out mode.... So i dont pray at night just during the day. I dont know why but whenever i do try to pray at night i just think of dying and disasters and having my loved ones lost and then by the time that i'm done i cant fall asleep.
4. I feel like nobody really likes me. Except for Matt and my family. Maybe its just me as an inconscious fear, but thats how i really feel.
5. Im funniest when im really mean and sarcastic. Which makes me feel mean. Which im not.
6. I get freaked out when i take a shower. I start thinking that maybe an earthquake will happen or something bad like i will faint or have a panic attack and then no one will find me. When this happens i usually just start singing to take my mind off of it.
7. I cant eat yams, sweet potatoes, or pumpkin pie.
8. A part of my finger will never grow back :(.
9. I love to tell people that I love them
10. I always have some wierd alternative scenario playing in my hear. I feel like sometimes I want to imagine the possiblitly of other actions but I cant actually do them. Either that or I imagine some really scary life/death/survival scenario (thanks to having anxiety).
11. when i was in second grade i seriously thought i was going to die from a nosebleed.
12. I went in for a perm. and came out with a fro. :(
Friday, July 8, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Its been a loooong time since I've had a girl friend. I've never really been the type that has a ton of girl friends, I'm more of the single one on one friend who in turn becomes my best friend. With that being said, Caitlin was my last friend. She was truly the best and I prefer to remember the really great moments rather than the last psychotic ones she had before our friendship fell apart.
Caitlin was just like me. Simple and fun in the boring way (compared to all the party girls). We loved just sitting on the hood of her car blasting music while watching the sunset. I also became a part of her family. Not only was she at my house all the time, but I was always at hers having dinner or celebrating finding a new artist to worship. She was ideal. I really wish that I could have another Caitlin. Unfortunately though, She ended up going crazy over a guy. She became infatuated, and when he didn't return the feelings she went into starvation and depression. I tried to cheer her up but all I ended up getting was being patronized and having her lash out on me. Slowly she started to disappear. It wasn't until she wanted to brag to me that she got an autoharp from her class at CSUN for music therapy and I told her that I had just bought mine a month prior that she quickly rushed off the phone, told me to call her tomorrow, and that was the last time I spoke to her.
I tried calling her. Everyday I dialed her number and I did that for two weeks.Sometimes I called her twice to no avail. I was mad at that point. I KNEW her, and i know when she's avoiding someone because i've SEEN her avoid someone, and now she was avoiding me. So I thought, she has my number and if she wants to use it then she'll frickin use it. And that was that.
Since 2008 I haven't had another friend. Luckily, I met Matthew in 2009 and he is my best friend. NOT because I cant have any other friends or because I don't have girl friends, but because he is genuinely a great person and no matter what I would have loved to be his friend. He on the other hand has had unbreakeable friendships with the people he met in elementary. I do envy that sometimes. He's carried his friends all the way over. It wasn't until I got out of high school that I realized how troublesome it is to find a friend. I've really been trying but I don't even know if it can be done...
HOW HARD DOES IT HAVE TO BE?! I wish I can just go up to someone I like and be like " You want to be my friend?" Old school, you know? Just like in kindergarten. I feel like at my age everyone already has their friends picked out, and there is no room for me. Even though I have come across people that I've met and hung out with, I eventually start to fade away and all to soon I become forgotten. I feel like making friends is sometimes awkward. Its worse than trying to be in a relationship! I don't know how the steps go. Like when is it ok to start calling them? When can you invite them to your house? When should you make your first friend date/hangout sesh? Does anyone know what I mean? Anyhow,This post is me saying out loud of all the things I want as a friend. One that's a GIRL!
You must NOT be psycho! I will accept mental breakdowns but lets keep them to a limit, yes? I want a friend to tell me that I'm AWESOME! In return, since you're my friend, I will tell YOU that you're AWESOME! You must like cool music. Preferably the more unknown that it is, the better. You get extra points for playing a musical instrument. You need not to, but it def is a plus so that we can have a laid back jam sesh. You must not be a bitch. I'll take anyone with sarcasm because I'm very sarcastic, but i do not want someone that is a bitch. Especially if you KNOW you're a bitch. I want someone that's laid back. That would preferably want to just lounge or do calm things ::: take a walk, sit on some grass, go music hunting, ect... I am definitely not a party person... NOR a clubbing person. I knock out at 11 at the latest so don't expect me to be up all night until 2 am or else you're going to have to drag my body everywhere you go. I don't make drama so I don't want you to make drama. I watch dumb shows for that kind of entertainment. I would like a friend that likes to cook/bake. Also if you like to workout even better!!!!! You need to be a listener. I will listen to you and be your therapist and you will listen to me. Fair? In case we DO go out to a party, I would much appreciate it if you didn't get drunk the first time we go. Its has happened before.. Also please don't get drunk all the time. Sometimes that's ok but I really don't want to be picking up your throw up. I would like someone that doesn't wear a ton of make up. I don't wear alot and i feel like if you wear alot and then I see you with no make up that you'll scare the crap out of me. I would like it if you were witty. I love witty responses just as much as absurd ones. I want someone to hate the same stuff with! I want to make fun of things and not care if we sound mean (we wont be). I want someone to be a little silly with and do dumb things (but not end up in jail) I just want someone to be my friend.
I don't think I'm asking for alot and don't even care if you have any of these qualities. I just want someone that I can talk to and have fun with. I just want a genuine person that isn't an asshole. After not being successful in making friends I often start to think that maybe I'M not friend material. Maybe? I don't know.
Anyways... This is me just wishing/thinking out loud...
♥ O.
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